Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Take 2

A few years ago I started a blog called Simply Kaiser.  It was all about living the moments of life and appreciating them.  It was about nature and relationships and random ramblings that occur frequently in my brain.  I deleted that blog sometime around the time I embarked on a different journey.  I picked up and moved from the mountains to the plains, from a somewhat stable income (albeit insecure at the time) to a meager monthly graduate allowance, reduced my hobbies to a select few, and started over.  I am not going to lie.  The transition has been challenging, and many times I wonder whether it was the right choice.  I miss feeling like I have made a difference, seeing friends and co-workers on a regular basis, thinking about something other than a dissertation, and the moments that are now flashes of the past but which I cherish dearly.  Don't get me wrong, "Simply Kaiser" exists still.  But, sometimes I get bogged down in the busy details of the days that seem to overshadow all of the amazing and wonderful things around me.  So, this is Take 2.  But this one is started with a giant deep breath and a sense of uncertainty about what this blog will even include.  But in my feeble attempt to find a little balance and rise above the chaos (and boring chatter/drone) of graduate school life, I will Take 2.

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